Paul Joseph Watson
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Why The Regime Hates Joe Rogan
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Well, why not?

If a man can identify as a woman, why can't a 59-year-old bloke identify as a 6 year old girl?

They hate you.

They want you drugged. They want you fat. They want you sick. They want you lonely.

They want you depressed. They want you demoralized. They want you atomized.


Students at a middle school in Utah walked out in protest Wednesday, charging that teachers and officials are allowing other children to identify as animals.

A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even complaining that New Yorkers won’t learn Congolese languages.

Joe Biden twice told a completely made up story Wednesday about his uncle/grandfather (we don’t really know which he means) being eaten by cannibals in New Guinea, as a way of attacking Donald Trump.

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