Paul Joseph Watson
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Culture, controversy, contrarianism.
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Turncoat Michael Cohen, who vowed to leave the United States if Trump won the election, was hilariously mocked during a livestream when viewers kept imposing a turkey filter over his head.

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Well, why not?

If a man can identify as a woman, why can't a 59-year-old bloke identify as a 6 year old girl?

They hate you.

They want you drugged. They want you fat. They want you sick. They want you lonely.

They want you depressed. They want you demoralized. They want you atomized.

Fk PayPal

PayPal wants to be the bayonet at the business end of cancel culture.

How about everyone just cancel their PayPal accounts instead?


Dem Party propagandists and leftist losers repeatedly lied and said Trump’s victory would be terrible for women. Trump has today made history and named his Chief Of Staff as Susie Wiles, the first time a woman has ever been appointed to the position.

A Democratic political analyst is facing mockery after she posted a video before the election results came in talking about how she laughed at a Trump-supporting liquor store worker as she bought champagne, telling him Kamala was definitely going to win.

“We are not the party of common sense.“ Following their monumental loss to Trump, a Democratic strategist slated the party, saying needs to take a long hard look at what it stands for because it doesn't even speak the same language as American voters.

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