Paul Joseph Watson
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Culture, controversy, contrarianism.
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The Telegraph reports that National Health Service staff in the UK are being mandated to ask everyone, even men, if they are pregnant before carrying out radiography.

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Well, why not?

If a man can identify as a woman, why can't a 59-year-old bloke identify as a 6 year old girl?

They hate you.

They want you drugged. They want you fat. They want you sick. They want you lonely.

They want you depressed. They want you demoralized. They want you atomized.

Fk PayPal

PayPal wants to be the bayonet at the business end of cancel culture.

How about everyone just cancel their PayPal accounts instead?


New figures released by the UK government have revealed that foreign nationals are twice as likely to be arrested for crimes compared to British citizens, and 3.5 times more likely to be arrested for sexual offences.

Governing German authorities are suggesting unintegrated migrants from Syria could be sent home if they are not in employment, a policy that could mean re-migration for nearly half a million people.

A who's who of super villains receive medals from Biden. Clinton, Soros, Cheney, Romney, Cosby, Satan, Skeletor, Count Dracula, The Emperor, the list goes on...

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