Paul Joseph Watson
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CNN Chief National Correspondent John King says prominent Democrats are set to ask the White House to force Biden to step down as a presidential candidate after his shocking debate performance last night.

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Well, why not?

If a man can identify as a woman, why can't a 59-year-old bloke identify as a 6 year old girl?

They hate you.

They want you drugged. They want you fat. They want you sick. They want you lonely.

They want you depressed. They want you demoralized. They want you atomized.


The Biden campaign sent out a bizarre email Saturday labelling donors and supporters calling for him to drop out of the race after the disastrous debate a “bedwetting brigade.”

Banksy carried out a stunt at Glastonbury, launching a mock-up small boat complete with dummy migrants into the crowd. The festival is surrounded by an 8 km 20 ft high perimeter with guards and watchtowers, while the border is wide open.

Top Democrats have given Joe Biden one week to prove himself fit for the presidency after his diabolical debate performance or they’ll oust him, according to reports.

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