Paul Joseph Watson
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Well, why not?

If a man can identify as a woman, why can't a 59-year-old bloke identify as a 6 year old girl?

They hate you.

They want you drugged. They want you fat. They want you sick. They want you lonely.

They want you depressed. They want you demoralized. They want you atomized.


An LQBTQ Pride crosswalk in St. Petersburg, Florida has been damaged twice in the space of two weeks by drivers doing burnouts and leaving tire marks, prompting one member of the community to declare “they’re out to get us.”

Federal grant records have revealed that the US State Department is funding random LGBTQ ‘Pride’ events in other countries.

Google’s hastily rolled out AI Overview feature is disastrously broken, returning searches claiming that people should spread glue on pizzas, eat rocks, and that it’s safe for pregnant women to smoke cigarettes.

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